Signed, The Disengaged Millennial
Dear Employer, As a millennial I just think and operate in a unique way. I care about humanity, want to great at my job, and am extremely l

10 Ways to Increase your Employee Engagement
10 tips on how to increase employee engagement. Leadership development, millennials, human resources, employee relations, strategy, retentio

“Be the Leader that your team LOVES”
Being a good leader is a challenge that requires the right combination of ethics, values, experience, skill and passion. A leader brings...

The way that you treat others speaks volumes as to how successful you are, and how successful you will become. I will explain further....

Your disengaged employees are costing you BIG BUCKS honey.
Let's talk about how daunting this data is. THE BAD NEWS Disengaged employees will cost you BIG $$$! Disengaged employees can cost your...

STOP Pushing your Workforce into the Arms of your Competitors
Think about this… Celebrities have Life Coaches. In Hollywood, it is thought to be a status symbol to have a Coach. The truth is, Coaches...